Jennifer Bryan
Author of 29 CRAN packages
Jennifer Bryan has completed over 29 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Jennifer Bryan teamed up with 100 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
29 Packages
- bigrqueryAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'
- bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
- cellrangerTranslate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns
- cliprRead and Write from the System Clipboard
- devtoolsTools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
- fuzzyjoinJoin Tables Together on Inexact Matching
- gapminderData from Gapminder
- gargleUtilities for Working with Google APIs
- gertSimple Git Client for R
- gh'GitHub' 'API'
- git2rProvides Access to Git Repositories
- glueInterpreted String Literals
- gmailrAccess the 'Gmail' 'RESTful' API
- googleAuthRAuthenticate and Create Google APIs
- googledriveAn Interface to Google Drive
- googlesheets4Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4
- hereA Simpler Way to Find Your Files
- mintyMinimal Type Guesser
- rdfpAn Implementation of the 'DoubleClick for Publishers' API
- readrRead Rectangular Text Data
- readxlRead Excel Files
- reprexPrepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
- repurrrsiveExamples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames
- salesforcerAn Implementation of 'Salesforce' APIs Using Tidy Principles
- superInterpreted String Literals
- tibbleSimple Data Frames
- vroomRead and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
- withrRun Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
- usethisAutomate Package and Project Setup
- Hadley Wickham
- Posit Software, PBC
- Pedro Rafael D. Marinho
- Bastiaan Quast
- Yihui Xie
- Yixuan Qiu
- Kevin Ushey
- Dean Attali
- Michal Bojanowski
- Ben Marwick
- Sahir Bhatnagar
- Atsushi Yasumoto
- Matthew Lincoln
- Michael Sachs
- Christophe Dervieux
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Frans van Dunne
- Kim Seonghyun
- JJ Allaire
- Luciano Selzer
- Nathan Werth
- Chester Ismay
- Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
- Jeff Allen
- JooYoung Seo
- Bartek Szopka
- Albert Kim
- Andrzej Oles
- Aust Frederik
- Clifton Franklund
- Daniel Emaasit
- David Shuman
- Drew Tyre
- Ellis Valentiner
- Jonathan McPhers
- Joyce Robbins
- Junwen Huang
- Kevin Cheung
- Kirill Muller
- Maximilian Held
- Noam Ross
- Peter Hickey
- Romain Lesur
- Shir Dekel
- Steve Simpson
- Vincent Fulco
- Zhuoer Dong
- Zeno Rocha
- MathQuill contributors
- FriendCode Inc
- Louis Maddox
- Winston Chang
- Jim Hester
- RStudio
- David Robinson
- Joran Elias
- Google Inc
- Craig Citro
- Jeroen Ooms
- Gábor Csárdi
- Peter Carbonetto
- Stefan Widgren
- Gregory Jefferis
- John Blischak
- Scott Chamberlain
- Gabor Csardi
- Thomas Rosendal
- Karthik Ram
- Joe Cheng
- Neal Richardson
- Erik Grönroos
- Mark Edmondson
- Johann deBoer
- David Kulp
- Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
- Kirill Müller
- Romain Francois
- Chung-hong Chan
- Shelby Bearrows
- David Olson
- Steven M. Mortimer
- Joanna Zhao
- Jukka Jylänki
- Mikkel Jørgensen
- Posit, PBC
- Evan Miller
- Marcin Kalicinski
- Komarov Valery
- Christophe Leitienne
- Bob Colbert
- David Hoerl
- Charlotte Wickham
- Posit PBC
- Takekatsu Hiramura
- Tim Taylor
- Lionel Henry
- Richard Cotton
- Malcolm Barrett
- Andy Teucher